Monday, March 17, 2008

Let's call Daddy!

me: e, time for bed. Let's put on your PJ's.
e: No Mommy.
me: I like yes Mommy.
e: No Mommy.
|this goes on for a few rounds, then he is finally caught|
e: I pee pee in the potty Mommy.
me: e? Do you need to go pee pee?
e: Yes Mommy, I stand up.
me: Do you need to pee pee?
e: Yes Mommy, I stand up.
me: Oh, you want to stand up and go pee pee in the potty.
e: Yes Mommy!
|so we rush to the potty and I put his stool in place. Excited to try to pee pee in the potty standing up he proceeds to do a delicate dance where he squats, leans, straddles, and bends all to get his private body in just the right place. Yes, I call his body his private body. I'm giggling watching this dance trying to explain that he can stand up straight all at the same time trying to make sure the stool doesn't slip out from underneath him. He continues dropping his body so low that it touches the cold toilet|
e: Too cold, too cold.
me: e, honey you can stand up straight.
|he finally stands up straight and with some help proceeds to pee pee in the potty|
e: I pee pee in the potty Mommy! Like Daddy!
me: Good job buddy! Do you want to call Daddy?
e: Yeah!
me: Ok, let's call Daddy!

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