Thursday, March 27, 2008

Eek! Leak!

Pretty certain you are not going to notice that I didn't add an entry last night.

Pretty certain if I shared this info with you, you would ask "Why?".

Last night as I was tucking you into bed we watched the lightening and listened for the thunder. I was pleasantly
surprised you were not afraid. As we enjoyed the storm, the rain got heavier, so heavy I swore I could hear it raining inside. Well, that is quite a bit of an exaggeration but we both did get out of bed and go investigate. There in the laundry room was the culprit a small leak, eeek! I went and grabbed a chair and bowl and stuck it on top of the washer/dryer stack (the chair cause I'm small). Talk about questions as I tucked you back in bed! "Water, why?, Bowl, why? Chair, why? Hole, why? Raining, why?" Wasn't sure when you'd get to sleep. Exhausted I went straight to bed after getting you asleep, no entry was written.

So of course minus one entry I have an overload of silliness to write......
  • Easter book, Big, Bad, Bunny: Favorite part is "Eek!" |you have the perfect voice for it|
  • OREO cookie eating, well, Newman-O's eating...your father is a master of devouring a bag, I'll let him teach you how to eat them!
  • I must record you singing Twinkle Twinkle and your ABC's, blogging about it won't do it be continued
  • You love pushing your own mini grocery cart. The woman at the check out made a comment to me about starting you early, I told her that I didn't have a choice in the matter. 2.5 sees a mini cart, 2.5 pushes mini cart. Mommy needs more room in the basket...tough!

He's all yours Scott! It would probably help if I filled the cup with milk. What's that other stuff you ask...rice, shrimp fried rice from Trader Joes!...He did have a good technique going, he would squash the cookie together the cream would then squish out the sides and he'd eat it. Newman-O's filling isn't as solid as OREO cream, it must be because it's organic. Ha!

I love you e.

1 comment:

Rachel Mowrey said...

I swear this blog could be a lovely book someday. What a blessed boy Elliott is to have you as his mommy! If only we could all be as attentive as you!!! :p