Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Your Welcome

Tonight is the first night after the sleep doctor workshop. I am already using my techniques and so far so good. If I write another entry tonight around 11, 1 or 3am...that won't be so steps...

So tonight we had a great night. A wonderful dinner, a walk around the neighborhood, playing outside until it was time to go to bed. We went through our normal routines and then out of your room I went. I told you I'd come back to check on you. This is a technique I've used before so when I heard the sleep doctor supporting this I knew I was on the right track. To your surprise I would come back in just as I said I would and we'd discuss this. So with the last check in I simply shared it was the "last time" and after one shout out to me there was silence.

Ok, so I've already shared enough about the sleep doctor this entry is titled "Your Welcome". Checking in with you the third time you were elated that I actually returned you gave me the biggest hug ever. I leaned down to give you a kiss and your arm wrapped around my head tightly, the one arm sling over.
In your bliss you began thanking me...

e: "thank you Mommy for coming back, thank you Mommy for playing with me outside, thank you Mommy..."/...for something, by this time I was noticing just how tired you were...your words slurring/"your welcome Mommy for making me dinner"/you've now grabbed my face so that you have my full attention yet so sleepy/"your welcome Mommy, I love you".

Your welcome e. Thank you e. I love you e.


Jenn said...

how'd it go?

jodihertz said...

It actually went really well! I don't want to get my hopes up but he didn't wake until 5am. I went to him, laid down with him and then did the commando roll out of bed move and back to mine. He then slept til 7 waking just in time to get ready for school. Not bad at all! I'll take it! Bring on tonight!