Saturday, April 12, 2008

Should children watch TV?

I'm pretty certain there are a few people out there that believe plunking your child down in front of the television is grounds for abuse. I'm pretty certain that they meant all shows EXCEPT the Lawrence Welk Show. This show is definitely, perfectly OK.

After an early dinner tonight we had plenty of time to play. We were building with blocks when e decided to turn on the TV. We can thank Pop and LaLa for the newly normal size tube (our last one was all of 13"). We do not have cable and because of this the channel is almost permanently on PBS, channel 9. As the TV flickered on we heard the sounds of the Lawrence Welk Show. e: Violin's Mommy! me: Ahhh, e that's a big band, it's the Lawrence Welk Show.

Well, I had to grab my camera! He began to sing and dance, his eyes fixed on the television. I had my block microphone and he had his. After each song we shouted "Yay" and clapped and when a new song or dance came on we participated. The songs were either about having your heart broken or my favorite for the evening (and the only one I could sing along to), "You're Nobody Til Somebody Loves You".

Funny, I remember both sets of grandparents watching this program when I was a little girl. I thought it was super boring then but now I find the songs catchy and the wardrobe classic. Cracks me up! And to watch e...that REALLY cracks me up. I would do this much more justice. Enjoy the photos, that's all I got.

The Lawrence Welk Show was a musical variety show hosted by former big band leader Lawrence Welk. New episodes were aired in either a local, network, or syndicated capacity for more than 30 years; repeat episodes are still being broadcast usually on PBS.

1 comment:

Celine said...

you need to tell G about this. she'll love it!