Monday, April 21, 2008

Art Director

The areas of open space are for label design.

On days like today I truly feel like an Art Director.

Anymore budgets are cut into tiny little pieces and I'm lucky if I get a pinch for stock photography. When a client allocates an amount for true studio shots, I feel like a little kid invited to Disney Land. Today I was that kid and it felt great working as part of a team to produce some fantastic new product shots.

I am working for a great client who has a new product line coming out. I'll share more later, for now I show stunning photography. A local photographer Steve Adams and his team shot the product, the client and a food stylist worked with the recipes and I offered help with concept and layout, dancing between food prep and photography. I truly work best in a team atmosphere. I feed off of others talents and when surrounded by respect my creativity shines.

The success of a good shoot isn't just the end product but the relationships forming in between. The Photographer, Food Stylist, Art Director and Client walked away today proud...not proud in an ego way but proud in humble talent.

1 comment:

Celine said...

very cool! i love that you are blogging so i can keep up with your and elliott's lives every day. i love you! xoxo