Wednesday, July 30, 2008

So What Do You Think About That?

Tonight has been full of fun. So much so that this post will be a collage of it all.

First, I will start with the end of the evening. I'm doing this so that I can properly script our evenings prayers. When e and I say prayers we always start with giving thanks and end with blessing family, friends, pets or even perhaps his toys around the room. The routine is such that I say the thank you part and he names the names. Well tonight was different, e asked to say the thank you part and I say the names. It went a little something like this...
e: thank you Jesus for I like that I'm better, I feel better. And I took a nap at Daddy's house. And I saw a dinosaur. /saying to me/ your prayers? yeah? Okay.
me: Daddy
e: Good, okay
me: Mommy /his same response/Elliott.../and on and on/

See, last night was a Daddy night and when I give thanks I always say for a nice time at Daddy's house. So his version was remembering that he slept there and then taking it further to remembering (giving thanks for) the weekend at the Science Center and making a dinosaur at Build-A-Bear. And the "okay" part, he's been saying this a lot lately as to give confirmation that it was a good thought, suggestion, comment etc. And I always say "good" after he names a name so that's where he got that part.

It's just so sweet to hear him and then to know that he's caught on to giving thanks before we launch into our needs and wants. I'll have to record him sometime, narrating it just doesn't give it justice.

Earlier this evening was the first time I heard him ask me "so, what do you think about that?". It was to a line-up of the evening; when we were to play, eat dinner and so forth. He placed it all nice and neatly into his own order of favorites and then asked me my thoughts. Pretty cute.

After dinner he decided he wanted to take pictures. Not the kind on the computer but with my camera. It was sitting out, grabbed his attention and so I decided to coach him on proper handling and shooting. Here are a few he took...

Lastly, I had to catch on camera his maternal instincts. You would think I have another baby in my belly and I've been preparing him for a sibling. He's been taking to his animals and now a baby doll so much and caring for them so intently. I can't help but watch him and get a little melancholy that I can not give him a brother or sister now. I would truly love to e.

We can pray to Jesus, "what do you think about that" ? ; )

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