Monday, July 14, 2008


e has been displaying a lot of separation anxiety lately. I've noticed this "other personality" coming in along with the back left molar. I'm hoping I can just blame it on the tooth and once it's in say goodbye to the can hope.

The truth is it just might be a phase that comes with the ever-so-close age of 3. If so I might be whining A LOT in my entries, I'll apologize now to those of you who pop in from time to time. Thankfully I am blessed with beautiful Mothers who will write me words of encouragement and send me to other blogs where my issues seem like a walk in the park. A little ruthless that we get pleasure from other Mothers with the same if not worse parenting issues but in all serious, to know you are not much comfort! (...hey, guess what, I'm winging it too!)

Tonight was a good night after I literally wrestled him to the ground in laughter cause all I was hearing was whining and for me to pick him up. "Mommy hold me!" It was either that or me in full on tears. We were home, him and me, home, me here going nowhere and yet I needed to "hold him" as I walked to the bathroom and even better, then he wanted to sit on my lap as I peed! e in full on tears mode as I tried to use the restroom. So I picked him up, body slammed in on his bed and began to tickle until he begged me to stop.

After dinner and a bath we crawled in bed early for plenty of snuggle/quiet time. This is where I truly enjoyed hearing all about his day, reading books and prayers. Story 1: Apparently today a little girl named Zarya "yelled" at him not to play with her house but he "wanted to". We read a few books one in particular where you have to find the set of items within a picture. e is really good at this, he is very detail oriented and when locating the images it went a little something like this..."this is probably going to be hard to find, ah! here it is" pointing to it correctly in 2.2 seconds. Probably is his new word that he really enjoys using. For another example: "I probably need to play some more" or "I probably can't clean that up right now". Perhaps I should speak to his level and tell him that "Mommy is probably about to loose her marbles if he doesn't do as he's told".

I love you e!

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