Thursday, July 31, 2008

Lollipop, Lollipop!

So last nights post was too lengthy, so I share this story today.

This is e and his special lollipop treat.

Potty training e was actually rather easy. I've written about this before. I was more nervous about it than he was, worrying about when I would find the time. I didn't have to reward him with special these and that's, for him it was more about the games we'd play on the potty.

What I did start doing though is giving him a special treat if he came home in the same underwear as he went to school in. I thought it would be a nice reward for an accident free school day.
I bought these lollipops at Trader Joes. They are colored with natural ingredients like turmeric for the yellow and beet juice for the red. No yellow #4 crappies!

Anyway, he loves them... We also sing the song together... You know the song where at the end of it you make the pop noise in your cheek?

This photo is of him having his lollipop while watching The Bee Movie while I cook dinner.
When I asked him if it was watermelon flavored he just looked at me and said... e: "Noooooo! It's not a watermelon Mommy!"

1 comment:

Celine said...

i LOVE this picture!!! xoxo