Thursday, July 3, 2008

Happy Day!

Today started an extra long holiday weekend for the 4th. We were given today off in addition to tomorrow so I filled our day with lots of fun!

Visiting with Louise on Tuesday we planned on getting the boys together. Although it's been quite sometime since I had a four day week, I still very much miss having a full day with e. We met Louise, Ewan and Anya at the coffee shop early. Louise and I had yummy lattes and the boys played with all the toys. Afterwards it was time for the library where they were having story time.

e and I occasionally read a great book titled "Library Lion". This was a fun book to reference going to the library. We reviewed all the rules of the library like, no running and no roaring loudly. Anyway, we arrived along with many other children Ewan and e's age and younger. They had not only many fun books to read but a parachute. We played games with the parachute and read a couple books aloud. I was so proud of how e participated and listened.

After all the fun at the coffee shop and library we went back to Louise's house for lunch and rest. She fed us well (as always) and after the boys went down we had fun sipping tea, eating yummies and catching up.

Ewan and e play so well together. I continue to feel so blessed that their friendship is growing strong. Being in a place in my life where a sibling is not yet in my cards, it's so fantastic to see a brotherhood developing within the boys...very special!

Thanks Louise, Ewan and Anya for making this day a happy one! Oh, Happy Day!

1 comment:

Louise Scott said...

it was a happy day! after you guys left i was also thinking how well the boys play together and that they really enjoy eachother, it's great to watch. love you xx