Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Remember Me? Who?

In looking over my entries it looks like March takes the cake! I knew I would be over the top and then fall off writing this blog. Now I scurry to get in an entry and then when I'm ready my neighbor goes off and moves taking the lovely connection with him. Luckily the new neighbors come with the same perks! So remember me?

This Memorial Day weekend Scott and I switched up our days with e. To start the long weekend off right I decided after reading Jenn Whitmer's blog (guest speaker, Ginger to be exact) that I would take e to see "Horton Hears A Who?". To make the weekend even more wonderful both e and I got the day off. His school closed Friday for planning and Birk (my boss) gave us the day off. It was a lovely, eventful, long weekend.

Jenn's children are much older than e but after picking some other Mommy brains I thought it would be fun to try the theater with e. As suggested I really talked up our date. I shared there would be a large (T.V. like) screen, it would be dark and we would watch a story about a large cartoon elephant. e was very excited and my expectations of the evening were off the charts. A date with my son!

The day was full of fun so full that at dinner he slept in my arms just as he did when he was a baby. I ate quietly over his head placing the napkins just so, so if anything missed my mouth it wouldn't land on his head. e has always been my little Roo so keeping him pouched has and remains a comfort place for him.

After dinner (he eventually woke and ate) we walked to the theater (the theater and restaurant in a mall). On our way guess what we passed...just an amazing playground, to a child...a theme park! With a helicopter, SUV, train and slides! Getting him passed the excitement and on to the next best thing wasn't the hard part, it was HAVING to go back. Not being seasoned in the "bring your 2.5 little boy on a date to the theater", my timing was a bit off. We got to the show early, explored the theater and then sat through previews. All of this equated to time away from the mall fairgrounds. 40 minutes into our theater experience he was over it and HAD to get to the helicopter.

Did I mention that as we walked into the theater hand in hand I got a bit choked up. It was such a "first time" moment. So needless to say my bubble burst when we left. I then received a reality check that 40min for his first time was great. I also needed to be sensitive to his level of understanding to the facts that a movie theater is not a place you come and go, run around in and speak.

We ended up leaving and my guilt from his sadness not being able to go back to see the large elephant took us straight to the bookstore. We found the book in a flash! Also in a flash was his overstimulated attitude. The evening eventually made its way to a close and after all the discipline I was spent.

I'll try again but perhaps when he's a little bit older and I have a bag full of goodies. It still was a great night with my boy, one filled with lots of learning and new firsts!

Love you e.

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