Thursday, February 28, 2008

Measuring Plant Wall Decal

I've joined a group called DesignSpotter on Facebook. DesignSpotter is an online magazine published by Gunnar Schmidt [Berlin/Vienna] and Markus Gogolin [Cologne]. I have found some really great designs through them, however with some of the links it can get a bit frustrating having to convert currency and reading all the copy in German, NOT! (2 years in college and I remember nothing!).

I found this measuring plant wall decal. I was just recently talking to a friend about designing growth charts. Karl and Louise parents of e's best buddy Ew
an had looked for a height chart for e for Christmas (insert joke here...I am all of 4'11", e's father 5'11" so he's not the biggest boy...I'll take the blame for that). Anyway, Karl and Louise were frustrated in not finding one that looked "cool" so Karl shared we should design them and sell them on Etsy (Hey! Don't steal the idea!).

This decal costs $80 and can be purchased at greenergrassdesign. I think e should have one even if he is only in the 5% for height!


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