Sunday, August 17, 2008

Thank You Friends

I realize that some posts (like the last entry) are more for me, "the mommy" than fun to read. I know his voice and see his facial expressions and am constantly amazed at everything I forget and wish I would have written down. Before I sat down and wrote that last entry I swore I had twelve more moments but they all slipped my mind. And for that reason is why I blog, I don't want everything lost in my memory.

This weekend was a great one spent with loving friends. It started Friday night with a girls night for me. e enjoyed his Saturday with Daddy in the park (our weather here has been crazy beautiful, highs of 80 and lows of 60) and I enjoyed spending time over at the Mowery's with Daniella too. Later that night Rachel invited us to stay for dinner and spend the night. The Mowery's somewhat recently moved to my old neighborhood the one that e's Daddy still lives in. I miss the neighborhood for the very reason that on Saturday I was able to walk over to pick up e from Rachel's house. I took the wagon and rolled him back for our slumber party.

Our last slumber party over at the Mowery's didn't go so well. At midnight we had to leave because e's molars were hurting him terribly. It was easier and more comfortable for him to go home than for us to run out to Walgreens making the slumber a success. This time we were free of painful molars. e, Ella and Simon played wonderfully together and the night was a great evening spent with great friends.

While observing the kids playing (e almost 3, Ella just turned 4 and Simon 2 in Dec.) I loved the imagination and imitations. I've been encouraging e to read on his own. We read a lot together and he does a fantastic job reading to me but the alone time is what isn't developing yet. Ella is wonderful at reading; taking several books, curling up in a corner and creating her own stories from memorization and from the illustrations. I was able to watch e do the same thing. At bed time after they were washed up I took e and Ella downstairs for story time. Story time consisted of both of them each with their own pile not only reading to themselves but each other. Finally it was my turn with The Cat In The Hat so I quickly jump over this word and that completing it in a timely manner.

They played monster imagination, they danced to (one of my all time favorite soundtracks) Pretty and Pink, read books and e even let Ella play beauty shop with his luscious hair. All the while Rachel and I had great adult conversation and catch up time. There is nothing like your girlfriends! There is nothing like friendship e! Thank you friends!

(As we left and were giving love to our friends, Ella hugged e and said, "I'm going to miss you"...we'll see you soon my friend!)

1 comment:

Rachel Mowrey said...

Oh Jodi! This was fun to read! I read it out loud to Ella...I didn't realize she had told Elliott she'd miss him. Wow. That was really a good time. We've talked about it lots since you left. LOVE YOU GUYS!