Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I'm thankful for...

At bedtime I encourage e to list some things he's thankful for during prayer. This evening we made a game out of it. He would say one and then when I would go to share mine, he'd giggle and interrupt me with another one of his. Our dialog went a little something like this...

e: I'm thankful for Jesus healing my elbow (he fell and scraped his elbow).
me: Yeah, that's a good one.

e: I'm thankful for Jesus healing my belly.
me: Oh yeah, how's it been feeling? That's so great e.

e: How does he talk to us?
me: He speaks to our hearts.

e: I'm thankful for Jesus healing my knee. Remember that one day...I can't remember, but he healed it.
me: Yeah, I remember you once having a hurt knee, that's a good one too, He's so faithful. Isn't it cool how he made our bodies heal?

e: Can our bones break?
me: Yes. And do you know our bones can grow back together?
(I then went into a description of how they heal using my hands and fingers to show a break and then how they come together/fuse back together. Then I told him it was my turn.)
me: (rushing while e was interrupting) I'm thankful for a nice dinner.

e: I'm thankful for Jesus healing your back.
me: (again rushing while e giggled to get his in) I'm thankful for you.
(And then I stepped it up a notch and started naming a bunch of people.)
me: Daddy, Janine, Pop, LaLa, Grandma, Papa Joe, Uncle CJ, Great Gran, Aunt Celine, Our Church Family......(by this time he's really silly and laughing).

e: I'm thankful for my Daddy creating my house.
me: Oh e! That's wonderful! I've gotta tell your Daddy that one, that's so sweet.

e: (very seriously) You know...we have bones and they heal. (Gesturing with his hands) they go like this and then we put soil with them and they grow back together.
me: (I said nothing but rather made mental note of blogging this entry.)

e: Why do you have that in your hair?
me: It's my barrette that keeps my bangs out of my eyes.
(And after a long pause and time of me convincing e it was time to go to bed e says this to me:)
e: I'll hold your hair back Mommy so it's not in your eyes.

e you are such a sweet boy.
love you son, good night.

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