Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Tonight was a special treat night with e.

Tonight e and I went to dinner together because tomorrow I leave for Boston. e and I will be traveling but this time separate. I will be traveling to Boston and e will be going to the lake with his Daddy. I know we are both going to have memorable times but I have to admit I've never been away from him for this long so my heart aches already.

We've been talking about our separate trips and he communicates the differences very well. He asked if I was going to be with him at the lake and I shared that I wouldn't be but rather traveling with Andrea to Boston to see Sara and Ana. I told him if he misses me he can always see me in his minds eye and he could always call me.

I forget if I've blogged about his "minds eye", I'll look for that entry and either link up to it later or write about it when I have more time. It's pretty cute and very effective. I want to write tonight about our dinner at Momos.

We went to Momos, a tapas style restaurant. He likes it there because of its Moroccan feel. Some of the booths are like couches (as he describes). We sat right next to each other and ordered the following: shrimp kabobs, hummus, potatoes and flaming cheese. For dessert we ordered chocolate ice cream. Not only did he eat that line up but he tried a katamala olive and ate two along with cucumbers and tomatoes dipped in his hummus.

When we ordered the flaming cheese he watched wide eyed as the cheese went up into flames. I prepped him for "op ah" but he ended up burring his head in my lap cause it was too much attention. Later he got to see someone else order it, he looked, listened and then asked me "what does 'op ah' mean?" Not knowing the answer I asked our waiter, he didn't know either so he asked another...it means "hooray" or "cheers". So e would take his cucumber dipped in hummus and "op ah" mine or our drinks or our shrimp...it was pretty cute.

After dinner we went to the bar to watch the fish in the big aquarium. Then we said good night to all the pretty ladies at the bar along with the wait staff.

I loved our night together. I'm going to miss you very much. Have a wonderful time with your Daddy and family. I can't wait to hear all about it when we both return.
I love you bunches!

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