This is a photograph of my latest design experiment with fabric and paper. For my girlfriend Daniella, I made her a headband for her Birthday. Here is a close-up of the flower details of the second headband I designed.
I've decided to do more handmade gifts being inspired by so many new design trends and by my pocket book. With less money going into my "gift" budget I've managed to create two designs for two dear friends. The other design, that is still in testing after making a batch that only half survived, is the "Little Abbie". This feather barrette needs a little more attention to detail before going out to the masses (see below).
I'd like to say that I'll make lots of these and give Etsy a try but I'd rather keep my expectations low and surprise myself. I'm known to have lots of big ideas and not follow through, it's my design handicap.
I hope to follow this entry with many more designs along with a creative direction. I think it will be fun to get a group of girls together of all ages to do a little photo shoot with some of these pieces. While laid up in bed with a horrible cold I've managed to get quite a few flowers created so let's see where this goes...shall we? Instead of "see ya", I'll say "stay tuned".
This is me at Abbie's 30th Birthday wearing a "Little Abbie".